Additional weather data options

Historical Forecasts


Agricultural Elements

Included in Corporate

Energy Elements

Included in Corporate

Maritime Elements

Included in Corporate

Detailed feature comparison

  Metered Professional Corporate Enterprise
Price $0.0001/Datensatz
1000 frei/Tag
$35/mo ($350/year) $150/mo ($1500/year) Contact us
15-day Weather forecast
50+ years of history data
Ereignisse (Hagel, Tornados usw.)
Sub-hourly Weather history
Weather Data download
Weather API
Datensätze/Monat Unbegrenzt 10,000,000 Unbegrenzt* Unbegrenzt
Wetter API Grenzen
Datensätze/API Abfrage 25,000 10,000 25,000 25,000
Standorte/API Abfrage 5 100 1000 5000
Maximale API Parallelität Unbegrenzt 1 10 Benutzerdefiniert
Query Builder Abruf Grenzen
Standorte/Abruf 1,000 25 5,000 Unbegrenzt
Datensätze/Abruf 1,000,000 50,000 5,000,000 Unbegrenzt
Terminierung von Datensätzen
Unternehmerische Besonderheiten
Erweiterte Solar und Windenergie
Boden und Evapotranspiration
Historische Wetter Übersicht
Statistische Langzeitvorhersage
OData Connector
Lizensierung & Support
Direkte Datennutzer 1 1 10 Unbegrenzt
Uptime 99.0% 99.0% 99.5% >99.9%
Premium Support
Kein Quellennachweis erforderlich
Kommerzielle Nutzung * * * *

Metered Weather Data Cost Calculator

Use our cost calculator to find the Metered cost for your own weather data query.

Notes and comments

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Records/day – Free plans include a limit on the number of Queries Records that can be retrieved in any 24 hour period. Note that A single 15-day forecast query counts as a single Query Result while each history record returned counts as a Query Result. For more information see, What exactly is a weather record?

Records/query – The Records/query limit indicates the maximum number of records that may be returned by a single query. If you need more records than is indicated for your plan, you will need to break your query into multiple, smaller queries that fit below your record limit. You can typically break up a large query by breaking the time range into smaller chunks or by breaking up your list of locations.

Locations/query – The Locations/query limit indicates the maximum number of locations that you may request in a single query. If you need weather data for additional locations, you can break your query into multiple each requesting a subset of your location list. Alternately, an upgraded plan will make querying more convenient and efficient by allowing one query to retrieve data for many locations using a single request and returning a unified dataset for all. For more information on running multiple locations in a single query, see Using the Timeline Weather API with multiple locations in the same request.

Maximum concurrency – The maximum number of the Weather API requests that can be processed at the same time. If you require higher concurrency, please consider our metered plan or our Enterprise plans which offer higher concurrency options.

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Locations/dataset – The number of locations allowed in a single bulk dataset. Bulk datasets can include multiple locations across multiple days or hours and are perfect for populating data lakes or databases.

Records/dataset – The maximum record size of the dataset for all locations. The record size of the result is the number of records per location multipled by the number of locations.

Dataset scheduling – Dataset scheduling provides the ability to have our system run your dataset query during the same hour of every day. This allows you to easily connect your spreadsheet, database or business application to a dataset.

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Direct Data Users are users who are allowed to access either the Visual Crossing Weather API or the online query page to retrieve data from the API or query page. While all Visual Crossing Weather users are allowed to share the stored data or the derivative results of their analysis work, only Direct Data Users are permitted to download raw weather data records provided by the service.

If you have questions about what constitutes raw weather data in your use case, please describe your usage plans in an email to , and we’ll be happy to advise.

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All Visual Crossing Weather customers are allowed to share the stored, raw weather data or the derivative results of their analysis work to members of the same organization. Subsidiaries, separate divisions, consulting services companies and other users must have explicit permission from Visual Crossing. Raw data can never be shared and distributed publicly for download and can only be shown for viewing purposes to the general public.

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To maintain the quality and performance of the Visual Crossing Weather server and ensure an optimum level of service performance for all users, Visual Crossing has established a Fair Use Policy. Please see Understanding the “fair use” system in Visual Crossing Weather and our Terms and Conditions for more information.

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History summaries are powerful weather queries where the weather engine calculates a single result that summarizes many historical data records. For example, this type of query could be used to calculate the climate change for a given location by aggregating individual weather observations across multiple decades. For more information, see our documentation.

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Visual Crossing provides licensed users access our Visual Crossing OData server. Access to the Visual Crossing OData server is offered as a premium service allowing users to publish Visual Crossing Weather Data for retrieval by OData capable systems. Please check the feature table on our pricing page to see if your license qualifies.

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Our degree day weather api provides calculation and climate normal data for growing degree days, heating degree days and cooling degree days.

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Attribution for all Visual Crossing Weather Data usage is required at the Pay-as-you-go and Pro license level. These users agree that any application or service which incorporates data obtained from the Visual Crossing Weather Data Server must prominently display the message “Weather Data Provided by Visual Crossing” in a legible manner near the data or any information derived from Visual Crossing weather data. This message should include a clickable link to For more information, and examples of suitable attribution, please see How to I properly cite or attribute the weather data in my project?.

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Commercial licensing provides for the use of Visual Crossing Weather Data by businesses for commercial purposes which includes the right to display data for public facing websites as well as internal corporate usage. Please contact us at for clarification of licensing scenarios.

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